Monitor social media images and video content
Approve or block content your children want to upload
Track on multiple devices
Get notified for both public and direct messages

Simple & Secure!

PrePost is a parental control app that helps parents monitor and filter the content their children upload to the internet, providing the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are Secured by Diode.

The Diode Network is the world’s leading Smart Network - a new generation of zero trust software defined networks based on hardened blockchain technology. It's time to protect your children's digital sovereignty.

All Encompassing

Every video. Every image. Securely PrePosted.

Peace Of Mind

Keep your kids safe online with PrePost.

Our Vision

Predatory behavior is proliferating on social media, employing malicious tactics to lure children into sharing explicit content.

Predators use social media to catfish children into sharing explicit content. This content is used to generate income on platforms, including on “benign” platforms like X (Twitter), Reddit, OnlyFans, and Meta.

Children are blackmailed with the content and forced to increasingly share explicit content so that the content isn’t revealed to contact lists, parents, etc. This ratchet-effect blackmail has become a pipeline for slavery and trafficking and is a top-method to entrap middle-class youth in developed nations.

Some examples found shine some light into the problem:

The Stark Reality

X (Twitter)

Pedophiles and other predators go to X to trade in criminal content such as child
sexual abuse and nonconsensual pornography.

X fails to adequately respond to its victims, claiming it cannot be held accountable for disseminating illegal material. X has even flatly refused to remove verified child sex abuse material from its site when asked by victims.


A widely popular communication platform for adults and children alike, consistently fails to address the extensive sexually graphic, violent, and exploitative content on its thousands of private and public channels.
Discord’s inadequate age verification and moderation procedures means millions of children and teen users are left with near-unmitigated exposure to child sexual abuse material, nonconsensual pornography trading, and the predatory grooming that are rampant on its platform.


A quarter of US TikTok users are between the ages of 10 – 19 (surpassing Instagram’s Gen Z user base and catching up quickly to Snapchat), while 43% of the global userbase is between 18-24 years old.

Exploiters utilize TikTok to find and view minor users, comment on videos, and message children, often requesting or sending sexually explicit videos or pictures. Evidence is growing of child sex abuse material (CSAM, also known as child pornography) trading on the platform


Here to help!

Keeping young ones safe on social media is a top priority for parents. With video and image sharing growing exponentially, there are more risks than ever. We are unwilling to accept the parent’s current binary choice: allow kids unaccountable social media access or prevent them from engaging social media entirely.

We created a new choice, where using social media is a progressive experience and a child can earn social media opportunity as they show maturity, in lockstep with parental guidance. We have created PrePost to ensure kids are securely uploading content.

Let them express themselves without the worry of exposing too much!

PrePost is a simple and secure way to ensure their digital content won't hurt them. We've crafted a solution that makes it easy for parents to safeguard their children's digital footprint.

Contact Us

Henderson, Nevada

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